Since I’ve kept myself company for 4 months (along with all my phone and zoom friends), I’ve become acutely aware of the conversations that are going on in my head.
If I’m visiting my community garden spot, I’m thinking:
We don’t often notice that what we’re thinking impacts not only our mood but our actions (or lack of action). We do this in business and in our personal lives. We make up stuff about other people and their intentions. One book I read years ago called it “intention invention”. We invent other people’s intention and it’s usually a negative intention we make up. Not only that, we are highly inaccurate when we do it. We can even think it’s true, but it’s just something we created in our heads. I find this to be very true for people selling their services. We make stuff up when we don’t hear back from someone. Usually, what we make up is negative in some way and takes us out of action (ie we don't call them again). With clients, I’ve found that a lot of what they make up is not accurate (and negative). When someone doesn’t call us back, usually all it means is that they have a lot on their plate and they’re busy. The one project you’re trying to forward with them is just one of a 25 flying at them on a daily basis. It could actually serve them if you followed up, see if they’re interested or not, or if they need more information. It’s important to stay in action and notice what takes us out of action in order to create what we want in our lives. For more about how we stop ourselves from taking action, check out my latest video here on LinkedIn (Please comment or share if you find it useful) or on my website here. This time with ourselves and life in a more isolated way can reap many benefits, even though it’s not what we had planned for our summer. I’m offering a course Selling Your Services through Authentic Connection beginning September 8th. Find out more details here. Please share this information with those wanting to grow their business in this new world we’re in. Comments are closed.