I hear a lot about what is going on behind the scenes in businesses over the last 20 years of coaching. One thing that surprises me is that many leaders in business don’t necessarily correlate business success with treating employees respectfully which creates a safe, learning environment. I've heard of public shaming, swearing, gossip, passive aggressive behavior and more. When employees are in fear (for instance, they feel blamed, they fear losing their job if they make a mistake or speak up, or they feel a need to defend themselves), you won’t get great performance.
They will be in survival and self protection mode which gives them the options of a) fight, b) flight or c) freeze. They lose any access to their creativity and productivity – and they are no longer focusing on the business. That can't help business results. The trick is to keep employees out of fear. How do you do that?
Your business will be more and more successful if you keep practicing this. Your employees will step up in ways you never thought possible. To your success and fulfillment, Kerry P.S. I'm offering a course to Coaches and Consultants: Selling Your Services Through Authentic Connection. Find more details here. Please share this email with coaches you know. This course will easily pay for itself Comments are closed.