One theme I notice in my conversations with my clients is the abundance of negative self talk we can all engage in. As a solo business owner, I notice for myself that I may miss what I've accomplished and notice what I haven't. I'm on a current learning curve on multiple dimensions of my life: moving across the country, trying to figure out East Coast weather and Nor'Easters [as they say here: "If you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes], and going all virtual in my client work to name a few. The virtual part is a big change for me that I hadn't anticipated how significant it would be. I like being around people!!!! So there's learning for me about getting out of my house, where to engage in a new community and seeing what gives me my people fix. Sometimes I blow it . . . "That was WAY too long in my house by myself!' Then I adjust and take some different actions. Did I mention living on an island without a car??? [and that it's a bit nippy outside?] Bringing compassion to ourselves as we learn really helps -- and most of us aren't very proficient at that. Establishing a practice to notice what we're accomplishing is important -- as is not judging yourself when something doesn't happen the way we thought it should. Talking with others helps, too -- a coach, a colleague, or a friend. Often business owners want to replicate themselves, grow their business and produce more results in the business through others vs. doing it all themselves. But they can be challenged in seeing and owning the gold inside of them. What they do and how they think is so natural and normal to them that they think everyone else thinks like they do, and are surprised when they don't. They don't know how to pass on that knowledge and awareness to others. But if you can't articulate it, your employees or staff won't read your mind and won't be able to support you in the way you're hoping. I thought this article had some great suggestions along these lines: If you'd like to better acknowledge and own your accomplishments and those of others' to grow your business, please schedule some time here. This time of year is a perfect time to look back over the year to mine for the gold. |