I've been concerned about the coming winter for a while. My main social activity has been walking and hiking with friends. In Maine, it can start getting dark around 3:45 in the depth of winter (look at a map and you'll see why....we are way out there in the time zone).
These business and pandemic challenges have been challenging for everyone, me included. With all my training and experience in making lemonade out of lemons, it has still been challenging with the isolation and being home oriented all the time. Sometimes I think...I need more structure. Let's put in a schedule! Let's have a daily checklist! Let's have measurables! But a structure by itself won't change anything. So here's what I've decided to do. I'm going to create a purpose for myself for this winter. With a context for winter, the projects I create fit inside that purpose or container. It's also important to chunk it down. When I start thinking that we're going to be in this another year, it's pretty oppressive. Let me just create a 3-4 month project for the next chunk. By March and April, I'll be planting seedlings and planning my garden. That will be a different planet. In business we often put in structures without the purpose or context underneath them. That's why they don't sustain themselves or take root. Activities, structures, projects, plans all need to have a purpose that brings them meaning. I haven't created the purpose of my winter yet -- but I see the possibility of that and the work to do, so the dread lifts. I'm sure buying snow shoes and dusting off (molding off?) my cross country skis will be an activity inside that project. Along with keep mice at bay in a beach cottage. Stay well and be gentle with yourselves, Kerry I have a new webinar on helping coaches, consultants and service providers sell through services authentically. Watch it here: here. Feel free to share it with others! If you're thinking of starting business partnership or alliance, these new videos outline some questions to consider before jumping it. (I call it the pre-marital counseling that most people skip over.) Time spent up front can save a lot of headache and money later! (scroll down the page to the set of 3 new videos Comments are closed.