A lot of marketing to coaches and consultants to help them with sales emphasizes narrowing down, finding your niche. I've explored that myself. Over the last four years starting my coaching business from scratch, here's what I've discovered. My niche is inside of me. It's not outside of me to be discovered. It's a blend of the following (and this applies to all career paths): In the above equation, we neglect the blue box: What brings us joy and fulfillment. Not to be neglected! When I notice and follow those breadcrumbs, my business grows substantially. I increase my capacity to see more clients because every session I have energizes me. I attract my ideal client.
It is well worth the inquiry into what fulfills us in our day to day activity vs. what we find draining. First step is to observe ourselves and become aware of it: When are we excited and fulfilled? When are we drained or annoyed? Great data in there! To your success and fulfillment, Kerry P.S. I'm offering a course to Coaches and Consultants: Selling Your Services Through Authentic Connection. Find more details here. Please share this email with coaches you know. This course will easily pay for itself. Comments are closed.